Liebster Award

Hi guys!

Thank you so so so so much, Lori and Martina! These lovely ladies nominated me for this Liebster Award πŸ˜€
It may sound a little strange but I feel like Carrie in The Carrie Diaries.
She’s just a normal girl, nothing special (yet) but she’s part of a very exciting world!
And that’s how I feel πŸ™‚ When I started this blog, I just wanted to write…
I didn’t know if anyone would actually read it, let alone like my posts.
Many of my friends even told me they wouldn’t read it because they weren’t interested in food. (They are if they get to eat it, of course πŸ˜‰ )
And here I am, getting noticed and receiving so many lovely comments from you guys! You are al so sweet!
It made me more confident and made me love writing even more!
And I never thought I would be nominated for an award! Wow!
Thanks again, ladies!

If you haven’t checked out their blog, DO SO! Lori at Creating Beauty in the Kitchen and Martina at make shake and bake
Lori is great! And gluten free…
She is a very inspiring person, always so sweet.
She has an amazing story and one of the things she said was: “I would rather clean a toilet without gloves in someone else’s house than cook a meal.”
It made me laugh because I just LOVE her blog and I think she’s doing great!

Martina is Swiss and therefore wrights her posts in both Germain and English πŸ™‚
I found this interesting sentence on her page: “I am trying to become more aware of what I am eating by creating it myself.
Martina has a variety of posts. She blogs about food, drinks and preservatives.

So, again, please go check these blogs. You won’t regret πŸ˜‰

What is the Liebster Award? It’s an award to welcome “new” bloggers who have less than 1000 followers (or 500, 250, 200… I’ve seen so many different numbers).

Here are the rules for acceptance…

  1. LINK back to the person who nominated you
  2. SHARE 11 facts about yourself
  3. ANSWERΒ 11 questions set by your nominator
  4. NOMINATE 11 people who you think deserves the Liebster Award
  5. ASK your nominees 11 questions to answer

AFTER YOU PUBLISH your Liebster post, go to your nominees blog and let them know you nominated them.

11 facts about myself:

1. I LOVE New York City!!! I went there with my parents for my 18th birthday and it was love at first sight! I’m pretty sure this love will never die…
2. I hate running!
3. I say before I think… I can’t help it.
4. I love to watch movies when I’m home alone but if there’s some action or creepy stuff involved, I sh*t in my pants when I go to bed…
5. I can’t stand it if people make noise while eating.
6. I eat too much
7. I am an only child
8. I have the terrible habit to bite my nails :s
9. I sing a lot (when there’s nobody home πŸ˜‰ )
10. I love writing in English
11. I love Disney!

The 11 questions Lori asked me:

1. What is your favorite part of the day and why?
My favourite part of the day must be evening! Watching a good show or a movie on television and then to bed. Love it!
2. How has your blog turned out different than you expected?
I never expected my blog to have readers this quickly. I mean, I started in February (my actual posts actually began in March) and I thought it would take ages for me to find a public. I’m happy of course that it didn’t πŸ™‚
3. Tell us something unique about yourself.
It might be weird but I couldn’t get along with…girls! It was this year that I learned how to handle them xD I had many friends but most of them were boys… I do have a best friend, which is a girl πŸ™‚ We are friend for 8 years now and she is just the best! But I never really liked any other girls to hang around with. Well, I did always have one ‘girlfriend’ but as soon as there were more, it got wrong. I really don’t know why. My mom warned me when I went to college because almost every student in my class is a girl. But now I even have many ladyfriends so I guess my curse has gone πŸ™‚
4. Do you have a favorite t.v. show? What is it?
My current favourite t.v. show is The Carrie Diaries. It’s the story of Carrie Bradshaw when she went to highschool. It’s so much fun! And so recognizable.
5. Use three words to describe yourself.
Crazy, clumsy, ambitious
6. Who has influenced you the most and why?
I guess my parents have. I look up to them. They both have a normal job but they get to do whatever they want. They do have to save money to make a far trip but they are able to do so! It influenced me to always want the best and to want to be the best πŸ™‚ They taught me to work hard for my goals πŸ™‚
7. What is your favorite thing to do when you want to relax?
Baking is like relaxing to me. Although I do love to just watch someting on television πŸ™‚
8. What is your least favorite household chore?
That must be ironing!
9. What inspires you?
It may sound stupid but my fellow bloggers inspire me πŸ™‚ I just love to read all your posts and they really inspire me. They give me ideas for new delicious things and ideas on how to become better and happier with what I do πŸ™‚ Maybe it’s not that well expressed but I guess you all know what I mean.
10. How do you want to be remembered?
I think I want to be remembered as a funny and good friend.
11. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?
We have fish…

The 11 questions Martina asked me:

1. What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?
Here it comes again… New York City! My most exciting this was definitely my holiday there πŸ˜€
2. Why do you blog?
I blog because I want to write and inspire people with fun recipes
3. If you could do anything in the world, what would you do right now?
I’d go on a holiday to New York City πŸ˜€
4. Which is your favourite plant?
My favourite plant is a succulent πŸ™‚ (is that the correct translation?)
5. Who is the dearest person in your life?
My grandmother! I can’t imagine she’s going to leave me one day
6. Coffe or tea?
7. Which is your favourite fairytale?
Tangled πŸ˜€ I just love this movie! But if Maleficent still counts as a fairytale, then I’ll have to go with that!
8. What makes you want to scream with joy?
There are many little things that make me happy πŸ™‚ But the thing that made me jump for joy was the day I got my driver’s licence πŸ˜€ Finally! No more driving classes πŸ˜€ I did pass the first time ^^ Yes, I was VERY happy πŸ˜€
9. If you could have any pet (with adequate animal housing) which would it be?
I’d choose a lovely dog πŸ™‚
10. What makes you, you?
That’s a very difficult question. I guess it’s my weird-factor xD I can be really weird and that’s mostly what people remember of me. Friends always tell me their friends say ‘Oh yes, that crazy/fun one’ if they talk about me. I guess it’s better to be called weird and funny than dull… πŸ˜€ And being crazy doesn’t hurt πŸ˜‰
11. What is your guilty pleasure?
CHOCOLATE! Or ice cream…

My nominees:

11 questions for my nominees:

1. What’s your favourite Disney character and why?
2. What is your biggest dream? (it can be surreal)
3. What is your guilty pleasure?
4. If you could do your life all over again, would you do it differently?
5. What was the subject you hated most in highschool?
6. Cats/dogs/magical creatures?
7. Favourite sport? (To play or just to watch)
8. Favourite actor/actress
9. If you would die tomorrow, what would you do today?
10. 3 words that describe you?
11. Favourite holiday spot?
Have a delicious day! ❀
xxx Sarah

26 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Haha! I was biting my nails while I was reading this post of yours. πŸ˜€ My Mom always gets mad at me when I was in my grade school years because of that habit.
    I love ironing. I don’t care if I do it all day as long as I have my snacks and at least two liters of water with me. πŸ˜‰

    Congratulations, Sarah! Well deserved! And thank you for passing the award to me! I will pass this award as soon as I can. πŸ™‚


  2. I share the hate of ironing. Ironing takes ages for me, and I don’t do them unless I really need it. Thank you for passing the award to me. I appreciate it. πŸ™‚


  3. Congrats Sarah! Wow, between Martina and I, you sure had a lot of questions to answer! You go girl!
    That’s neat that you are do close with your grandmother. Funny to read about tot friendships with girls…I was a bit like that myself growing up…mostly had guy friends.
    And I’m sensing you really like New York?! πŸ˜‰


    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Oh yes, you two made me have to think a lot xD
      Nice to hear that I’m not the only girl who had “girl problems” hehe πŸ™‚
      Hehe, is it that obvious πŸ˜‰


  4. Congratulations, you definitely deserve it! And thank you so much for nominating me! πŸ™‚


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